Emma Heming Willis, wife to Bruce Willis, plans to publish a book on caregiving to loved ones with Dementia by 2025.
Recent update shared by Emma Hemming Willis on Bruce Willis current condition, “It’s Hard not just on the person diagnosed with dementia but also hard on family” as it impacts on everyone. Willis family on his acting career announced his retirement in the March of 2022. He has been diagnosed with frontotemporal Dementia. Explaining it further Heming Willis said, It’s hard to know if he is aware of his condition.
Heming Willis was in conversation with Susan Dickinson, CEO (Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration). This book of hers is about her experiences as care taker for her husband Bruce Willis. Though there is no specific update on the release date of this book but in a press release, the description of this book stands as “supportive and inspiring guide” for those whose loved one are suffering from dementia.
Willis family states, “There are no treatments as of now available for Dementia, which we hope to see a change in the coming years”. As the condition of Bruce moves forward towards an advance stage, we hope that media attention can shine a light on this particular disease as it requires far more awareness.
Tallulah Willis Opens Up on her Father Bruce Willis’ current condition on Dementia states, “Something Was Wrong for a Long Time”.
Heming Willis acknowledges that Dementia can shake the very core foundation of any family going through with it if allowed. Heming states further “Identifying the right resources to educate myself has been very helpful and has allowed me to move forward in the best way possible. Writing this book allows me to share that with the next person who finds themselves here.”
A report from 2022 of Los Angles time suggested on Willis cognitive decline had long been clear. As per the story, Bruce Willis used to struggle with remembering lines along with few instances where the confusion about his whereabouts.
Numerous updates and memories have been shared by actor’s loved ones in last 11 months since he was first diagnosed with aphasia. However his family is doing their best to continue spreading awareness of FTD which seems to have been under researched and sometimes misdiagnosed with several patients.
Heming Willis mentioned, It’s not less painful but knowing the condition and what is happening to Bruce makes it little bit easier. As the entire family stands together in support & hopes for the best.
Thank you for the read.